This page can only be accessed if a person has registered under „Login“.
Start time: Enter here, when you started with a certain activity.
End time: Enter here when you have finished with a particular activity.
Pause: Here you can enter how many hours and minutes are deducted from the working time, which results from the start and end time. For example, you could specify „00:30“ for a half-hour lunch break.
Project: Here you can specify, for which project the working time was spent. This is optional.
Task: Here you can specify which activity you have performed in the time span. Projects and activities must be created beforehand in the administration. This is optional.
Vacation / illness / holiday: If you want, you can pull one of these switches to the right. If the switch is colored, it is activated.
This means that the person in question had a vacation during the selected period, was sick, or had a holiday.
Note that by activating one of these switches, all other information such as the exact time, pause, project and activity will lose their meaning, since it is only of interest, on which days the employee was not there.
For example, the entry start time: „16/04/2014 11:30“ End time: „17/04/2014 12:30“ simply mean that the employee was not there on 16/04 and 17/04 each day was not there.
The normal day hours are automatically entered for these days. These hours can be defined in the time model. When the employee is created, the time model is assigned to it.
Save: Top right, you can save your time entry.